VN - Others - Completed - Sera's Adventure -Cave of Destruction- [v1.0] [WATARIlaboratory]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    wtf?! this is truly the most disgusting thing I've ever seen. don't play this unless you're a psychopath. author, seriously, what's wrong with you? it only evokes disgust and pity for the mental state of the creature that created it. There are also not enough clear warnings about what awaits the player.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    This is an absolutely horrible game. I don´t know if it is even worth to call it a game. It is just sick content and has nothing to do with sex at all. Good graphics though, but normal humans should just avoid it.
    I really regret having "played" it...
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    It's barely 10 minutes long if you skip text.

    The Steam page has User Tags that claim it to be an RPG - There's ZERO RPG elements in it.

    You're given an introduction, pointless story elements, and then are presented with 7 different pictures to click to reach an ending.

    Waste of time.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    It's rare that we get a guro game, so it's nice to see this game, even if it does have it's downsides. The major issue with the game is that it's short. This is a double-edged sword kinda thing though. If you're looking for a quick and short game, this is a good thing, but if you're not, then you may be let down.

    The other big problem is the game has very few h-scenes and instead hopes that just some guro without any sex is enough for most scenes. It wasn't for me, but if a girl dying is enough to get you off, then maybe it'll be okay for you, but I like some sex with my guro. It sucks the game wastes it's already limited runtime on p=things other than h-scenes.

    -Good writing and interesting scenes

    -Very few h-scenes, even for its short length.

    I'll admit, this is probably a 3-star game, but I'm really rooting for it, because it's a guro game, so 4 stars from me.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    *** It is gore and death, the only tags you really need ***

    With that said, I'd say it really delivers well what it intended to with some small issues overall.

    1. Art is excellent. Each ending is a very well drawn way to die.

    2. VA is excellent. Very expressive, considering the setting.

    3. It is a very short game, but as far as design goes it would be nice if it separated the intro from the path choices. Having save files is almost pointless since you only need the one being before you choose the paths and then its all in recollection after you're finished.

    4. The music is kind of an afterthought, not really adding or taking away from the setting. With doing all of the paths its kind of repetitive.

    *** Again, its literally just gore and death ***