VN Ren'Py Completed Gargoyles, The beast and the Bitch [Alx & Khronos]

4.30 star(s) 6 Votes


Jun 26, 2017
its no biggie afterall there are hundreds of other games on here 2 games im looking forward towards last month which is mythic manor and the awakening

but if your interested heres my 20+ ive enjoyed playing over the years
Thanks for sharing your top 20! I've played most of the games (even though not all of them recently). I am also quite fond of Akabur's Star Channel 34, even though updates are, well, slow to say the least.

loli tag, for real ? is that true ? :FeelsGoodMan:
No, not at all. Not sure why that's a tag. @muttdoggy / @TCMS ?
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Reactions: King Monkey Mon

King Monkey Mon

The Perverted King of The Harem Masters
May 16, 2017
Thanks for sharing your top 20! I've played most of the games (even though not all of them recently). I am also quite fond of Akabur's Star Channel 34, even though updates are, well, slow to say the least.

No, not at all. Not sure why that's a tag. @muttdoggy ?
i forgot to add akaburs games to my list i prefer witch and princess trainer out of all his games :p btw what are you talking about of course theirs loli in here fox sucks bronxs dick like a lolipop "kidding" XD
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Reactions: SkyNightwalker


Jun 26, 2017
i forgot to add akaburs games to my list i prefer witch and princess trainer out of all his games :p
Fair enough, both Witch trainer and Princess trainer are classics :p It's been a while since I last played those, coming to think of it. I should give the games another look one of these days!

btw what are you talking about of course theirs loli in here fox sucks bronxs dick like a lolipop "kidding" XD
Lol :p
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Reactions: King Monkey Mon


Jun 26, 2017
New post (Feb. 26 2018):

I’m working on the text right now, so there won’t be anything to show for a little while. The first thing I did was changing the title of the game… and created a new title screen for it.
“All IN” was always a working title, until I could find something better. I don’t know why I couldn’t find something as simple as “Date Night" until now, but the important thing is that I got to it BEFORE the release :p

By the way, Khronos is working fast ^^ he’s way further down the line than I ever expected. I don’t have a release date, but it should be soon



Jun 26, 2017
if your interested heres some comics :D
out of curiosity do you know how long it took the first game to complete?
Thanks for the comics! :D
And sadly, no. I have no idea how long it took him to complete the first game.. He has been working on BVB2 for just over 1,5 years though.
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Reactions: King Monkey Mon


Jun 26, 2017
New update (1 March 2018):

Production issues… DON’T FREAK OUT! ^^
Mar 1 at 7:14pm
I could keep it hushed, but you know me, I prefer to keep you guys in the loop. We are having some production issues.
On the first game, thing were quite organic: I gave Khronos a branching and started to draw, he’d give me his idea, I made changes, we’d discuss it, he or I would update the branching and we’d keep it up. Regularly getting back to previous section and make new changes or add new stuff.

We started out the same way on BvB2. But Khronoss has a little bit less free time this time around, and while the branching of the first game took 2 pages to print, this one take 10 pages. And so, the organic way, isn’t working as well.

Just last Tuesday, while working on the text, I realized that a situation that brought an automatic Game Over was actually needed later for the game to move forward. So I’m changing the plans tonight and I’ll redo the whole branching. Don’t worry, this won’t add any art. It’s only to clarify things between me and Khronoss.

He, on the other end, announced to me yesterday morning that he was thinking about starting from scratch, saying that his code is a sloppy mess. Now, I won’t lie, I don’t really care about the code as long as the game work right, but being an artist, I also know that most clients don’t see the difference between a good piece of erotic art and a piece of shit drawing as long as they see the naughty bits :p So I won’t begrudge him that. On the contrary I trust his judgment entirely.

But yeah, this is a little set back. And I won’t lie; I was PUMPED to release this thing as soon as possible. But I also know how important fine tuning can be for a game to be enjoyable. And between my new branching and his new code we’ll only have a better game in the end.

I'm afraid it's another delay.. however, I've been waiting for 1,5 years, what's a few more weeks :p

King Monkey Mon

The Perverted King of The Harem Masters
May 16, 2017
New post (Feb. 26 2018):

I’m working on the text right now, so there won’t be anything to show for a little while. The first thing I did was changing the title of the game… and created a new title screen for it.
“All IN” was always a working title, until I could find something better. I don’t know why I couldn’t find something as simple as “Date Night" until now, but the important thing is that I got to it BEFORE the release :p

By the way, Khronos is working fast ^^ he’s way further down the line than I ever expected. I don’t have a release date, but it should be soon

thank you so much for this :D
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Reactions: SkyNightwalker


Jun 26, 2017
He commented about 6 hours ago that he's finished redoing the branching! He must have been working really hard to do so! I'm guessing Khronos has the biggest amount of work at the moment. I've got to say that I kind of admire the guy. Sure, I would have liked the release a bit sooner, but redoing the code is probably necessary for this game, being 4x the size of the first one. And like I said, what's a few more weeks compared to 1,5 years :)
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Reactions: King Monkey Mon

King Monkey Mon

The Perverted King of The Harem Masters
May 16, 2017
He commented about 6 hours ago that he's finished redoing the branching! He must have been working really hard to do so! I'm guessing Khronos has the biggest amount of work at the moment. I've got to say that I kind of admire the guy. Sure, I would have liked the release a bit sooner, but redoing the code is probably necessary for this game, being 4x the size of the first one. And like I said, what's a few more weeks compared to 1,5 years :)
np after all there all plenty games i can play in the meantime as well as those other sites ive shown you :p
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Reactions: SkyNightwalker


Jun 26, 2017
Good news!! :D

New update (3 March 2018):

1rst, you got to understand something, I’m French ( English is a second language, no shocker here :p ) and slightly dyslectic ( which explain why coding is basically impossible for me ).

So… apparently I TOTALLY misread Khronoss message ( and re reading it this morning, I cannot, for the life of me, understand how I came out of with this conclusion at the first place :p ) : Khronoss is NOT restarting from scratch.

Not only this, but I also had the pleasure of going through the first built!!! ^^

it’s not release ready, there’s still a shit load of things missing, and to align and fix, but DAMN did it feel good to just point and click on stuff and actually interact with it.

so… SORRY about the scare.
I’ll blame it on dyslexia :p


Jun 26, 2017
New update (5 March 2018):

What a week it has been… quite a lot of emotions. But Khronoss has been very understating of my fuckup :p
ok, so I’m about a 1/4 into the texts, and if I can manage to concentrate, I should be able to finish it this week… it’s just hard for me to concentrate at the moment, especially of something like that. I’m a visual, and creative person, texts are a bit outside the zone… Still it’s not branching ( which was the worst :p ) so I should be all right! I might take a pause in the middle of the week and do 1 picture just to break the monotony if things get too doll for me

See you guys soon
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Reactions: King Monkey Mon
4.30 star(s) 6 Votes