RPGM - Ren'Py - Completed - Alansya Chronicles: Fleeting Iris [v1.0.5 Renpy] [Heaven Studios]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Hard to say that this game is corruption. It's more like the mc is a hidden/repressed nympho and then awaken with the story.
    To put it simply, This game is ntr first and corruption just bi-product.
    So if you're aficionado of corruption I'd say pass. Thecorruption progression literally goes from
    - I don't like being molest -*-
    - Ah! Why again ?! - -
    -Guess I have to suck u off huh -8-
    -Hey I didn't say you can put it in but ohh that feel good keep pounding me. HARDER!
    that's a general gist of every route untill you are fallen.
    The game has this useless "Fallen" popup and said basically that your mc now a total nympho when in actuality she already been for dozen of scene. The difference is after tihs threshold onward the mc just skip the reluctant partof getting molested. Her enthusiatic nympho-like attitude still remain the same.
    The art is good , I wound't call it outsantading. but scenes are few and quite vanilla.
    Still worth the play if you're not expect the corruption.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I specially waited until the Renpi version to play the game. And unfortunately I was very disappointed.

    There may be a lot of content, but as everyone knows, quantity does not equal quality. So yes, there are hundreds of CG in the game, but they are all very vanilla (even rapes). Almost all forced scenes work according to the classic scenario - I don't want to, but I'm wet anyway. Corruption is poorly done, the transition from a blushing virgin to a whore has no middle ground. I also don't like art - mostly because I'm not a fan of watermelon-sized assets, but I guess I'm in the minority here.

    If you still want to give it a try, I want to note that the renpi port is good. Even some mini-games have been adapted for new engine. Be sure to play it, as the game requires a lot of playthroughs and you need skip button.

    P.S. And yes, for the "biggest h game", they don't even have a dedicated lesbian route (only some scenes here and there).
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    i don't understand how could anyone give this game rating below a 5 star, the art is pretty hot and female MC is sexy Asf and there are so many routes to play with, although one can play a route at the time, well this seems like a cons to me but meanwhile it also offer the story to be focused on only one direction at a time, so it's not a big deal, and those route have been developed very well, even though this is a hentai game but i love the scenario and the emotions of character develop while we play through.they somehow feel real and logical, i still haven't finished the full game but i played like 4 routes and they all were superb.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Good but definitely drowning in excessive routes and roleplay-esque mechanics.
    As such, it works, but to jerk off, you probably just play one route through and you're done with the game, thinking about the time invested in that alone.
    Should've been less branched, more defined and voiced sounds on top, it would've been perfect.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Well here we are, one of the games that has been an icon in the world of esoteric niche hentai games, Fleeting Iris. And boy it sure is... underwhelming!

    I played this game through years ago sometime around 2016/2017, and I remember thinking at the time what a boring slog the game was for a large portion of it's run time. They pride themselves on being one of the largest hentai games ever! And having so much content to play through! And with all the hype surrounding this game you'd think it was the next Violated Heroine. But it's not, and today in 2024 it's still a boring slog.

    Don't get me wrong. The art is good. Not amazing but it is genuinely good. The sex scenes are vanilla at times, but still good. The corruption system in my opinion is severely lacking, but it's there. But the amount of effort you'll have to put in, walking back and forth, doing this then that, making sure your stats are at this number at this time before you can view this scene... it's just not up to snuff with the modern Hentai game scene.

    And their claim of being the largest hentai game ever, may be true, (Tho by what metric and by who's judgement idk)the phrase "As wide as an ocean as deep as a puddle" comes to mind. The routes in this game are plentiful, but none of them besides maybe 2 are really fully realized or with any real satisfying conclusions.

    I think a modern game in 2024 to compare this to would be something like the upcoming game MY... A game that fundamentally follows a lot of the same themes/tropes, and utilizes the RPG maker medium as well, but to much greater effect. The game is currently only in demo form, but even there you can see a plethora of options you have to do things in the game besides just walking back and forth. Multiple clothing options, multiple characters to seduce or not, and easily accessible random H scenes that fill out the world by your own choice, and a corruption system with actual substance as well as an mental health system. Oh and stellar art direction as well!

    Fleeting Iris comes off as dated, and not respecting of the players time. It would be understandable if this game came out 5-10 years ago, but the genre has continued to improve while this game never seemed to get the memo throughout it's very long dev time. You can and will cum while playing this game, but you'll probably find yourself asking "was that really worth the time?" afterwards. A shame, but I'm hoping Heaven Studios can show us they are capable of making a modern experience with their next effort.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    GOOOD, It is an excellent game, but I have no idea if the steam version is updated to support the creator, good CG, good drawing and excellent story, It has different routes, it probably has about 20 hours of gameplay, I can dare even more, it is easy to play and I highly recommend saving often before making decisions because you may not like the path you are taking.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The game just got a Ren'Py release and I honestly don't know which version I like more. The RPGM feels a lot more immersive while the Ren'Py version feels like a VN and it's much easier to access the content. Regardless, in both cases, it's a huge game with amazing art, amazing soundtrack, great story, a little too fast paced for me since I like slowly corrupting the characters but some people seem to feel the opposite about the game. Easily in the conversation for the best hentai game ever.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Ayame Sawada is a very perverted woman with a very powerful sex drive. The problem is though, that she really does not want to be that kind of woman. This is the key conflict throughout the 20 different endings for Fleeting Iris.

    While many people look at these kinds of games and just see fap material (which is understandable) I think Fleeting Iris is more then that. Don't get me wrong I did find many of the H-scenes to be very arousing. Ayame herself is an absolute bombshell babe of course. So I bet people will love seeing all the different scenes she finds herself in. The art took some getting used to for me since its not a style I usually look for, but it is well done, and I came to enjoy it very much.

    With that said, what really stands out in this game for me is the stories and characters. Ayame's struggle is framed very well as a struggle about denying who you are. Several people Ayame meets continue to challenge her notions of what kind of person she should be. About if she really wants to be the prudish puritan that society says she should be. There are even scenes where she speaks to a therapist about these kinds of struggles and the game gives a pretty thoughtful answer to them.

    Fleeting Iris is a fairly open game that gives the player many choices to decide what path Ayame's life will take. The 20 different endings in 10 different routes that all happen based on the things the player chooses to do. All of these are very well written and cover a wide range of what to expect. Ayame can stay focused on her love of her new fiance who constantly works over time and leaves her alone and unsatisfied, or she can find ways to indulge her desires and eventually come to terms with herself. Some routes will actually feel quite wholesome, while others will take you on such a roller coaster of emotions that you will feel completely overwhelmed by what just happened.

    There is a morality system that goes down as you find more ways for Ayame to sate her desires, lower morality can unlock more scenes and more endings.

    If I had to pick one complaint it would likely just be that there are a few times where Ayame seems a bit too naive. Though it is expected since not only is Ayame trying to be the nicest most forgiving person she can be, but also she has the whole country girl in the big city vibes. So the naivety could be excused, especially since many situations just wouldn't happen if she didn't have that naive side. It all still plays out very well and rather believable I think.

    All and all this is quite the experience that really spoke to me about how much we should or should not value the traditional ideals of what relationships and sexual encounters should be like. Its worth playing through for anyone that cares more about a h-game with a deeper story and meaning to it.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    All the people crying that the game "locks you out" of stuff give me the impression they're all playing old versions of the game. The latest version has two paths that are locked and that's about it. Everything else sends you back to where you were before the lock when you finish it.

    People are way too used to games where the routes have no sort of segue and the characters are sluts in some route and pure in other but they probably like that better for the sake of "freedom".

    Won't ever be able to please everyone.

    This game is almost 10 years later still the best NTR RPG game that ever came out and their latest stuff makes me believe the sequels will be out of this world.

    10/10 Game.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    I wanted to like this game, and stuck through the long ass routes just to try and see where it would go. I ended up dropping the game when I found out I got locked out of a series of free-roam events because I didnt do a certain thing at a certain time with a certain level of morality... Are you fking kidding me? 3 precise factors needed to kickstart the classic corruption trope of train molestation? Fuck outta here. There are guides but they consist of really cursed flowcharts that you're better off printing out on a A0 paper to make heads or tails of.
    Honestly, this game should've just been a VN, it has no business masquerading as a RPGM when all you're doing is running around just trying to find events that could have been sequentially added within a VN. The route locking takes away your player agency anyway.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    A unique take on Corruption tag, the Corruption on the female lead happens but it's kinda Ambiguous and Self inflicted. She basically turns into a Vindictive bitch more so than a Horny slut, which in a way is more closer to reality than fiction.

    I mean this is probably a 10/10 game for someone who is looking for a rather Strong female lead who is also slutty af, but that isn't what I was looking for. I am more interested in Corruption game where someone else slowly breaks her Mind and turns her slutty against her own will, whereas in this one she turns Slutty and Corrupted by herself, which is not a turn on for me unfortunately, however if you are into that sort of thing, you will probably like this game.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    guardian demon 1

    To be totally honest with you this is the best female protagonist game I've played to date. The art is comparable to Erahunter(sadly abandoned) and the multiple available endings check all the boxes for an NTR game. and the fact Robert gets his happy ending too in some of those is awesome.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Definite advantages: Dialogues - the guy who wrote the dialogues for this game does not eat his bread in vain. The visual component - the artist's style is pleasant and harmonious. Interactive options with tracking the heroine’s condition, examining her appearance in the mirror, the option of various types of tanning, interactive indicators of the heroine’s condition. A huge amount of content in the game. Cons: in erotic scenes there is usually only one illustration without much development of the scene itself visually.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story, not to difficult to progress, and hot scenes, especially with the gallery unlock and bonus dlc make this game a must play for fans that enjoy cheating, pregnancy, ect. The sprite animation is clean and one would be pressed to find a bug in game. The abilty to view prior scenes is great especially if you really want to see one ending specifially.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Instead of making a corruption games that progress organically its a game that locks you out of other things if you don't do it like you can't get a swim suit for not starting a route what so many years invested in this yet it feels so empty some scene are so random idk man this game is not really good

    Sometimes the art is pretty good sometimes its decent sometimes its like what happened he was in a rush or something and the sex scene are idk its like something is missing ...
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Not a bad cheating/NTR game. There is Purity road and other route have a really good story that is very satisfying. The engine being used for this RPGM is quiet old that there is lot of of need QOL upgrade to this game such us upgrading to latest new RPGM but it would be lot of work and the resolution is quiet old but luckily you can use Magpie or Lossless Scaling. I definitely recommend Lossless scaling to scale the game and the image resolution won't tear using f5. Magpie is free but Lossless scaling is really cheap and more option.

    The game lock you some of the route which is really sucks if only when you lock out but still be able to enjoy free roam that would be nice as you don't need to stare at the story playing till the end maybe change it so we player can move around and stick to the lock route and unable to do other route would be nice. If you get an item like dildo before getting that quest, the quest sign will show it till the end of the game and you can't sell that dildo and buy it back. definitely a bug. good thing is the game will tell you that before making decision that will lock you in some route. Map is big but kinda fell empty, Free Roam should have lots of variety freedom to do anything rather than in the route. Maybe let Iris go wild once reaching lower threshold of morality and do free roam like say go flirt or do naughty thing to random NPC.

    The H-scene is really good the artist really know how to drawn thicc women if only the scene is animated from what I read they plan to do it but it gonna be long wait. This is my preference but I don't really like family involving old hair men maybe just do with the young and sharing with the lovers would be nice but well the story is already done.

    Honestly it took me 3rd try to enjoy this game. It sucks that you can't skip like text dialogue only speed up and when in scene mode sometimes NPC move around but it really is too slow it because of old engine RPGM. Would recommend this game but when they upgrade it.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Best game ever :LOL:

    But don't take my word for it. If you're gonna play this game make sure you get version 1.15F and you use a program called Magpie to work around the 640x480 resolution limitation.

    Not recommended for those who want a quick fap, this a slow burner. ;)
  18. 5.00 star(s)




    Sorry for the caps , you should play the game if you want a great fem protag with various endings and good corruption elements.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    Map is massive but completely empty.
    Art is good sometimes.
    Routes are weird, locked into one route at a time. My character was raped and blackmail pretty much straight away in one route. Left a bad taste in my mouth. I don't get the hype.
    Its a game that needs a guide not one that you could explore and find the scenes organically.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Warning, unpopular opinion here :

    I really don't understand the hype around this game, it's just a average game nothing more nothing less.

    I mean... it have "good enough" art and sex scenes, lot of content and it's not the worst grindfest ever (but still), but does it deserve to be ranked so high in the female protagonist games list, sorry but no.

    Lets start by the route system, it's bad... you start with 2 simultaneous routes from which you can either stay and choose one later, or enter a different route, those routes also leading to other routes.... ( see the walkthough to see how much of a mess this is )

    Since when you enter a route you are locked in this route, you have to finish it and load a save from generally faaaar away to try a other route, so first thing, manage your save properly, keep a note on which save is which.
    Oh, and a system locking you in a route and having to replay literally half the game each time you want to go to a new route ?... in a RPG maker game ? serious-fucking-ly ???? come on....
    So thanks dev, the game have a skip text option when holding Ctrl ! so it went from a heresy to being just a bit annoying.
    BUT ! all the traveling, the exploration and the animations... this you can't skip it ! and here is the worst grind in this game...

    A really weird thing is that this game have disabled the option to hold the action key to fast forward animation and text, in every RPGM game, when you hold the action key, the text go a bit faster and the scripted animations of the characters walking are also speed up, but here no.. and it's SLOW !! having to see the characters enter a room and walk to something at this speed while you can do absolutely nothing... so frustrating

    Now for the amount of content, this game have """a lot""" of content, but it's kinda a trap, because it have is stretched in so many different routes that each routes don't have that much content in the end
    To really have all the content you need to replay the game at least 10 times, sometimes from a save dating from 1 or 2 hours ago, but sometimes from the first route branching 5 hours ago ! going through the same traveling and "waiting for the animation to play" grind each time.
    Adding to that that the maps are huge, extremely confusing about where you enter and exit AND that the map in the game folder is wrong... good luck.
    The dev tried to make it easier, having a car that allow you to fast travel and having it unlocked for ever once you unlocked it in one of the route without having to redo the fucking grind of the driver license quest ( it was horrible ! ), and allowing us the change our character speed to go really fast, but still... the grind is still too much and sometimes you have to wait a long time before getting a scene, which bring me to my last point....

    The sex scenes are.... boring.. sorry but I almost didn't get it hard in all the 5 routes I've done, the art is good enough but the poses are classic, the theme, the fetishes, the sex situations.. those are boring as fuck.
    Ultra vanilla, no risk taken, nothing that I haven't already seen in a hundred other games.
    Dialogues are ultra basic, sound are inexistant, no moaning no sex noise, only a spurt when the guy cum, the really old sound you've already heard in every old rpgm games
    The part where I got the most excited was the Halloween DLC, but even that didn't took any risk and stayed fucking too vanilla...

    So to conclude : I don't know..

    Maybe it's just me, maybe after 5 years here I'm getting bored and so exigeant that something that I would have found amazing back in the days is now just boring, maybe after playing so many games I'm starting to really pinpoint all the bad things, far more than before and maybe I'm waiting for a lot more from my games now than being just "meh..."

    Or maybe this game is just average, vanilla and with a bit too much grind and that the only reason it have so much like is because it have been here for so long ( literally, it's one of the first games being uploaded here back in 2016 )

    Anyway, I'm sure lot of peoples enjoyed it, but me.. it was neither good or bad, just extremely average
    ( Would have been soooo much better on Renpy though, the way the game is built with this route system... this is perfect for a sandbox Renpy game )