[R>Artist 3D] [R>Composer] [R>Programmer] Unpaid Looking for a team for a novel in greek myths setting


New Member
Nov 15, 2020
Good day, everyone!

Hope you all have a great day (or night\any other part of a daily cycle). I've been a common user for a few years now: playing novels like BADIK, Eternum, Pale Cornations, etc (yeah, I just listed one of the most hyped games this genre) and a few weeks ago decided to make something of my own.

But, let me firstly introduce myself.

I'm russian (for those who may take such recognition strangely: no, I do not support Russian invasion into Ukraine, let's not talk about this here, okay?) twenty years old man. Know english pretty good (I guess). Writing has been my hobby for a long time - I've written some short stories, mostly in the drawer. I have good literature russian but lacking the experience in english (though, I've role-played with AI in english a lot, so not total noobie here).

About the project

I already have an idea and some materials for it.

The idea - Greek Myths genre. Most of the Gods have been slain in the battle against Chronos so now it's only five female Goddesses who survived. Chronos has been defeated but his forces fleed into the mortal realm after the battle. Remaining Goddesses haven't had enough strength to bring peace to human lands. So, now, after thirty years of chaos in mortal lands, they decided to take a mortal as their consort and champion - MC.

Right now I have a bible for a project: plot outline, characters, some Chekhov's guns (yeah, you england guys use such phrase, I know, I see it in Oxford Dictionary!), some things about the world and locations and short plot for the demo (+-10 scenes shortly described). Also I have two of them fully written (or, at least, I think they are for now - I guess, I'll want to expand them further).

I leave a link to the bible here -

You can read it and than decide if you're interested in the prject.

I think about plot-oriented NSFW novel in 3D stile (I presume, 2D is longer to make but not sure if it is true). There will be some drama, romantic, ection, etc. I think, the game I'm inspired the most - Eternum (at least for it's vibes, don't know about the art-stile). I think, the story will be oriented around relationships with every Goddess and also around adventures in Greek World.

I don't know abut the NSFW tegs for now, but don't want to do some crazy evil stuff like raping, gangbangs, etc. Maybe there will be incest (after all, all greek gods are relatives) - but I don't think I want push it too far.

Looking for

I'm looking for an artist, a composer and a coder - experience is preferred, but not required. I want to make some good team that may work together. I don't know how far it will get but for beginning I want to make a small demo for that project - and, if we are all worked well together, to continue (and maybe do some more projects together in the future).

Money, money, money

Unpaid for the being but when\if we realise a demo we will monetize it and split the money - if it gets some attention from the public. Patreon or something like this, idk. Of cource, talking about money, we will split it evenly.

Job description


  • Ability to create character sprites, backgrounds, and possibly CG scenes in 3D or 2D (3D is preferred).
  • Open to collaboration and feedback
  • No experience needed
Coder: (found)

  • Knowing how to run that shit Ability to code novel on Ren'py: dialogs, maybe some simple minigames and mechanics.
  • Open to collaboration and feedback
  • No experience needed

  • Ability to make \ find good audio for the fantasy romantic novel: music, ambient, etc.
  • Good taste of music, ofc : )
  • Open to collaboration and feedback
  • No experience needed


Discord - alberg
Telegram - @AlBergus

You can contact me there or here - I'm cheking this forum almost every day.
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Reactions: Saint Blackmoor


Jun 26, 2022
Good day, everyone!

Hope you all have a great day (or night\any other part of a daily cycle). I've been a common user for a few years now: playing novels like BADIK, Eternum, Pale Cornations, etc (yeah, I just listed one of the most hyped games this genre) and a few weeks ago decided to make something of my own.

But, let me firstly introduce myself.

I'm russian (for those who may take such recognition strangely: no, I do not support Russian invasion into Ukraine, let's not talk about this here, okay?) twenty years old man. Know english pretty good (I guess). Writing has been my hobby for a long time - I've written some short stories, mostly in the drawer. I have good literature russian but lacking the experience in english (though, I've role-played with AI in english a lot, so not total noobie here).

About the project

I already have an idea and some materials for it.

The idea - Greek Myths genre. Most of the Gods have been slain in the battle against Chronos so now it's only five female Goddesses who survived. Chronos has been defeated but his forces fleed into the mortal realm after the battle. Remaining Goddesses haven't had enough strength to bring peace to human lands. So, now, after thirty years of chaos in mortal lands, they decided to take a mortal as their consort and champion - MC.

Right now I have a bible for a project: plot outline, characters, some Chekhov's guns (yeah, you england guys use such phrase, I know, I see it in Oxford Dictionary!), some things about the world and locations and short plot for the demo (+-10 scenes shortly described). Also I have two of them fully written (or, at least, I think they are for now - I guess, I'll want to expand them further).

I leave a link to the bible here -

You can read it and than decide if you're interested in the prject.

I think about plot-oriented NSFW novel in 3D stile (I presume, 2D is longer to make but not sure if it is true). There will be some drama, romantic, ection, etc. I think, the game I'm inspired the most - Eternum (at least for it's vibes, don't know about the art-stile). I think, the story will be oriented around relationships with every Goddess and also around adventures in Greek World.

I don't know abut the NSFW tegs for now, but don't want to do some crazy evil stuff like raping, gangbangs, etc. Maybe there will be incest (after all, all greek gods are relatives) - but I don't think I want push it too far.

Looking for

I'm looking for an artist, a composer and a coder - experience is preferred, but not required. I want to make some good team that may work together. I don't know how far it will get but for beginning I want to make a small demo for that project - and, if we are all worked well together, to continue (and maybe do some more projects together in the future).

Money, money, money

Unpaid for the being but when\if we realise a demo we will monetize it and split the money - if it gets some attention from the public. Patreon or something like this, idk. Of cource, talking about money, we will split it evenly.

Job description


  • Ability to create character sprites, backgrounds, and possibly CG scenes in 3D or 2D (3D is preferred).
  • Open to collaboration and feedback
  • No experience needed
Coder: (found)

  • Knowing how to run that shit Ability to code novel on Ren'py: dialogs, maybe some simple minigames and mechanics.
  • Open to collaboration and feedback
  • No experience needed

  • Ability to make \ find good audio for the fantasy romantic novel: music, ambient, etc.
  • Good taste of music, ofc : )
  • Open to collaboration and feedback
  • No experience needed


Discord - alberg
Telegram - @AlBergus

You can contact me there or here - I'm cheking this forum almost every day.
have send friend request on discord
i am an Artist